While searching for "Yinka Dare" on YouTube (seriously), I came across this espacular video of "how much Kobe Bryant sucks and is overrated." It's chock-full of airballs, blown dunks, and turnovers. You also get to watch Kobe be posterized, have his shot stuffed (including once particularly vicious atom smasher by Greg Ostertag), and get punched in the face...more than once. The ultimate Kobe ego-ectomy!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
No offense - since I do like seeing Kobe shut down - but that's a pretty weak video. I mean, half of the players schooling him aren't even on those teams anymore, let alone still in the league itself. I mean, Steve Smith on the Blazers? John Stockton on the Jazz?

This was nowhere near as good as the Malik Rose video.

Blogger Ra said...
That is one of the greatest videos I have ever seen.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love the Kobe bashing, keep it up. Nels, the point is he is getting shutdown by people that don't play anymore, and weren't really the all-stars you think of today. Like...GREG OSTERTAG.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anyone know where I can catch a video of a Vince Carter injury montage video.

myself, an admitted bitter raptor fan
would love to see a collection of his
"injuries" put together in one video.

He was notorious for taking games off due to little injuries that other ballers would be able to withstand

Bitter Rap fan.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thank you for making today awesome. But not for that Kobe rapping video. As fun as it is to laugh at him, I really don't need to put myself through that much discomfort to do so.
Kobe Humor Rules of Thumb:
Kobe sucking = Hahahahahaha!
Kobe being physically attacked = Hahahahahahahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Wheeeeee! Hahaha!
Kobe trying to rap = Ow! Get the fuck out of my head!